Smiles Productions

Smiles Productions

Smiles Productions

Casandra Latney
908 Brookmont Lane
Aldie, VA 23320

Phone: 757-714-8210
Email: Click Here

Description of Services

•The Inspection Process
•Structural Design
•Exterior and Interior Inspections
•Electrical and Mechanical Inspections
• identifying clients and sources of referrals; inspector qualifications; employment opportunities and related occupations; pre-inspection agreements; data collection and types of reporting formats; building codes and code enforcement officials; professional standards and practices;tools of the trade.
*detailed study of architectural building styles; multifamily housing; using house plans in home inspections; the structure inspection; basements and crawl spaces; doors and windows; interior walls and ceilings; floors; stairways; attics; house ventilation.

*Inspecting the site; foundation and footings; types of roofing and flashings; chimneys; walkways; entrances and stairways; decks and porches; driveways and patios; carports and garages; exterior walls, windows, and doors